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Graafilise disaini žürii esinaise Alexandra Taylori workshop

Graafilise disaini žürii esinaine , Briti üks tunnustatuimaid loovjuhte Alexandra Taylor viib 10.-11. septembril Tallinnas läbi töötoa "The Art of Art Direction"
Alexandra on ühendanud oma armastuse reklaaminduse vastu ja väärtuslikud kogemused loovjuhina ning loonud meistriklassi tegutsevatele professionaalidele.
Seljataga kolm aastakümmet töötamist reklaamivaldkonna tuntuimate tegelastega, on Alexandra aja jooksul loonud endale olulise positisiooni kui üks austatuimaid loovjuhte kogu maailmas. Alexandra motiveerib töötoas osalejaid astuma oma töös järgmisele tasemele. Kõik, kes saavad osa tema seminaridest, saavad täiendada nii oma tehnilisi oskusi kui ka teadmisi, mida rakendada oma igapäeva töös.
Hind: 325€ / 195€ (Eesti Disainibüroo võrgustiku liikmetele)
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Koolitus toimub inglise keeles
In this two-day master class Alexandra shares her own wisdom and experience, as well as that of the high profile professionals she has worked with. All levels are welcome and in return for an open mind, she will guide participants towards a new way of seeing, to emerge energized and better equipped for excellence in the field of art direction.
During the course she explains in detail her own work for significant brands, shares the work and advice of other pioneers and expert art directors and reveals how to get the best out of working with collaborators. There is also a live brief, finishing with a prize-giving for the best results.
Alexandra Taylorist:
Acknowledged as one of the UK's most respected and acclaimed art directors, Alexandra Taylor has gained an international reputation for her prolific award-winning work in advertising.
She has been recognised by D&AD for her outstanding contribution to advertising and among her accolades are over 200 entries into the D&AD Annual, four silver pencils and eight silver pencil nominations. She has also picked up 2 Golds and 17 Silvers at the Big awards, plus numerous other Award shows including Gold Lions, Silver British Television Arrows, Gold Creative Circle Awards and was the overall winner of the ITV Awards and won Best Overall TV ad at Cannes Festival.
2014. aastal omistati Alexandra Taylorile D&AD President Award 2014, mille tutvustavat video võib vaadata siit.
Töötoas osalenute kommentaarid:
"There are few people who are both art directors and great teachers. Alexandra Taylor is one of them."
Graham Fink, CCO O&M China
"On Thursday l had nine people who called themselves art directors in my department. On Monday l had nine art directors. Alex's ability to inspire and inform in just a couple of days is extraordinary."
Justin Tindall,
ECD Leo Burnett London
"It was brilliant to witness Alexandra single-handily inspire and reinvigorate everyone who attended her course. Combing the wisdom of thirty years of experience as one of London's most talented art directors with the enthusiasm of a beginner, she reminded everyone-including me-why we came into this business in the first place. She inspired us all to try even harder, have more fun and dress better."
Paul Brazier, ECD AMV/BBD&O
"In times like these, where work is getting produced at breakneck speed. Alexandra reminds us all of the importance of craft. And how much pleasure can be derived from it."
Paul Silburn, ECD Saatchi & Saatchi London